自动控制原理 Automatic Control Fundamentals


Introduce the fundamentals of classical and modern control theories for undergraduates in College of Engineering. The graduate students in dynamics and control are welcome if their undergraduate trainning is not in control. The scope of this course covers stability and dynamic analysis, and synthesize control methods in frequency domain and time domain.


  1. Oppenheim A.V., Signal and System. (Prerequisite)
  2. Dorf R. C., Bishop R. H. Modern Control Systems, 11th edition.
  3. 胡寿松, 自动控制原理,西工大、北航、南航三校合编控制专业教材。
  4. 吴麒,自动控制原理,清华大学自动化系教材。

Grading policy

  1. Experiment and Report, 30%.
  2. Midterm, 30%.
  3. Final, 40%.


  1. Introduction. Reading: Chap 1. HWs: E1.2, E1.9, E1.10, P1.21, DP1.6
  2. Fourier & Laplace. Chap 2 (Read more references and develop insights of Fourier series, Fourier transform and Laplace transform).
  3. Chap 2 (omit the motor part, in Table 2.5 for example; omit the whole signal-flow graph part, i.e. Sec 2.7) HWs: (1) Go through Sec 2.9 by using MATLAB; (2) E2.5, E2.8, E2.21, E2.27, P2.43, CP2.6.
  4. State space and Laplace (I). Reading: Chaps 2-3 (omit all parts need signal-flow graph). HWs: (1) Go through Example 3.2 (omit signal-flow graph); (2) Go through Example 3.4; (3) Go through Sec 3.9 with MATLAB; (4) E3.19, P3.8.
  5. State space and Laplace (II). HW the same as above.
  6. Transfer function and modes. Finish reading chap 1-3.
  7. Feedback system characteristics. Reading: Chap 4. Self-test: E4.1-4.10. HWs: P4.2, P4.7, P4.12.
  8. Feedback system performance. Reading: Chap 5. Self-test: E5.1-5.2, E5.4, E5.5, E5.8-12, E5.17, E5.19.
  9. Feedback more and examples. Reading: Finish reading Chap 4-5 together. HWs: P5.5-P5.7, AP5.1, AP5.4.
  10. Stability. Reading: Chap 6. Self-test: E6.1-6.4, E6.7, E6.9-6-13, E6.22. HWs: P6.2, P6.10, P6.12, P6.17-6.18.
  11. Root locus. Rading: Chap 7. HW: Announced during the class.
  12. Frequency response. Reading: Chap 8. HW: E8.1, 8.5, 8.12-13, P8.6.
  13. Control applications I.
  14. Control applications II.
  15. Mock exam.

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